Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moving Day

Glad to have a place of their own where they could do as they pleased, the young couple got ready to make the place just like they wanted it.

This collection is moving once again to, where I can set things up with a little more control. Hopefully this will be the last move for a long while. Update your subscriptions!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tumbling Along

Weather forecast: Humid. Drying throughout the day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Midnight Raiders

The midnight raid had gone flawlessly according to plan. But then they hit a snag nobody could have predicted ... sticky lids.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


He was glad to see the end of the week, but for some reason Sisyphus just couldn't get excited about the week ahead.


[May 1] The Royal Imperial Armada of the Atlantic had assigned these soldiers to protect the open ports from pirates. "Ports? I don't even see any water!"

Saturday, May 1, 2010


[Apr 30] In the back of his mind, he had known it would be fruitless to get tangled up with this bunch. But it had seemed so ripe with opportunity...

The Others

[Apr 29] The LEGO tribe had been established for more than 20 years, but recently more and more "others" had been encroaching.

The mostly male tribe was well aware, however, that their new guests were mostly female. "Diplomacy" must remain an option...


[Apr 28] It was just a typical day, until he saw through the crowd... her.

Managing The Hubble

[Apr 27] As deadlines drew closer, the techs found themselves spending less and less time finishing the project and more and more time managing the management.

Happy birthday to the Hubble!

Pair Programming

[Apr 26] Pair Programming: "Are you sure you don't need a comma on that line there?"

Electrical Engineering

[Apr 25] Ed the electrician's new guy seemed to be getting the hang of things, if a little slowly...

Mowing Hay

[Apr 24] "It's nice to have the hay in, but it looks like we're going to need to mow again in just a few days..."